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Strengths, Weaknesses and Areas of Improvement (John)

Strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement
First individual: John

On this page I will talk about the strengths, weaknesses and areas of improvement for my second individual John. To find the strenghts, weaknesses and areas of improvement I have went through Elliots health screening questionnaire and when ever I passed across a strength, weakness I would write it down so that I can then give him advice on how to improve the area of improvement. I will talk about the benefits of different aspects.

Here is a list for John's areas of improvement:
  • Drinks Alcohol
  • High Blood Pressure
Here is a list for John's strengths:
  • Active life style
  • Balanced diet
  • Low level of stress
  • Hours of sleep
  • Litres of water per day
  • No injuries
  • Had personal trainer before
  • Doesn't smoke

Areas of improvement:

Drinks Alcohol

From looking at the health screening questionnaire that John filled in I saw that he has ticked the box that said that he drinks alcohol. This a really big weakness that has to be improved over wise John's health could be really affected by this. Alcohol has many affects on the body such as:
  • Brain damage
  • Heart problems
  • Lung problems
  • Heart and circulation problems 
  • Bone problems
  • And many more
If John doesn't stop drinking alcohol then he could have many problems happen to him that will effect hum during exercise. For example alcohol causes problems with your heart and circulation this would mean that his muscles wouldn't be getting oxygen and nutrients fast enough which would then cause him to fatigue a lot quicker. 
Watch the video above and hear about some tips on how to stop drinking alcohol it helps a lot!

High Blood Pressure

Moving onto another area of improvement which is his high blood pressure.His high blood pressure was SYS:164 DIA:142. A normal blood pressure should be around SYS:120 DIA:80. High blood pressure can be caused by:
  • High amount of salt in your food
  • Lack of exercise
  • Being overweight
  • Smoking
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol
  • Stress
However, from looking at John questionnaire answers I can see that his high blood pressure is most probably caused by alcohol and also by his stress is medium and not low. Stress can cause high blood pressure. Stress can be caused by many things such as school for example because as John is still in school he might have too much stress from getting all his school work etc. This then leads to his blood pressure rising higher. 

To improve John's high blood pressure problem he should try to stop drinking alcohol and also use some stress relief techniques that would decrease his level of stress. Such as the breathing in and out exercise. For this exercise what you want to do is lay on your back and as you breathe in don't bring your stomach in but bring it out. This then makes your diaphragm do a certain motion. After doing this exercise he will notice that his stress level will lower down.


John has quite a few strengths. This lets us see that John and Elliot are actually contrasting individuals because Elliot had a lot more areas of improvement and problems than John when John has only few areas of improvement and lots of strengths. John's strengths are:
  • He has a active lifestyle which shows us that he is not a lazy person and he doesn't sit inside all day watching t.v but instead he goes out and exercises, plays sports ect. 
  • His diet is balanced. This is a really good strength to have as a healthy diet is the base to every healthy body. Instead of eating loads of fat foods and salty food John has a healthy balanced diet which includes all the right amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and nutrients to allow his body to function properly.
  • John gets enough hours of sleep. This is a really important aspect of a person because sleep reduces stress, makes your heart healthier, helps control body weight issues, reduces chances of diabetes and improves your mood. 
  • He drinks enough litres of water per day. Water is a really important aspect in our body because it transports nutrients to cells that help your muscles function properly, helps with metabolism, regulates body temperature, protects our joints and many more positive effects of water!
  • John doesn't have any current injuries which means that he can participate in all the exercises without worrying that he will get injured.
  • John doesn't smoke which means that his respiratory system should work fine. This is important because it allows you to workout for longer without fatiguing quickly.